You keep walking, increasing your speed to Native New Yorker, aprox 46mph.

The man stares keenly at your approach

Youve seen his type before. The trick is not to make eye contanct

You put your airpods back in and play your power song

Your pace is confident as you approach the first man

He raises a hand in greeting, but you are prepared


You evade the man, denying all eye contact, but make a fatal mistake

You glance at his shirt. It reads “Feed the Artists”

You feel a little guilty but keep walking

The second man is unprepared for your voracious I-Got-Shit-To-DO walking pace, he says something you cant hear thru your airpods as you stiffarm his clipboard into his face

You have been awarded

+2 NYC
(For that Fuck You attitude)

-2 Karma
(For bein kindof a Dick)